Fundraise for NRXN1 Network

Fundraisers are a great tool for helping us meet our goals. Every dollar raised supports our mission to help individuals with NRXN1 Deletion Syndrome and their families by improving our understanding and raising awareness.

See below for some fundraising ideas and ways to get started. Let us know if you’ve recently launched a successful fundraiser so we can feature you on our website and in future newsletters!

Thank you to all of our supporters and donors. Every little bit helps!

  • Launch a T-Shirt Campaign

    You can design your own T-shirt campaign through Bonfire's peer-to-peer fundraising program. This is great for a specific fundraising campaign or awareness activity. Bonfire ships the T-shirts to all the supporters at the end of the campaign, and proceeds go directly to NRXN1 Network.

  • Start a Fundraising Page for NRXN1 Network on GoFundMe Charity

    NRXN1 Network is registered with GoFundMe as a 501(c)(3) charity.  GoFundMe allows our supporters to create personalized fundraising pages to fundraise directly for the NRXN1 Network. 100% of donations go directly to our foundation.

    Click Here to create your GoFundMe fundraising campaign.

  • Create a Facebook Fundraiser

    Launch a fundraiser for NRXN1 Network through Facebook in honor of your birthday or other special event. Personalize your message and then invite your friends to join your fundraiser. This will send them a notification about your fundraiser.

    Get started here.

  • Get Creative!

    Organize a 5K, host a silent auction, launch a bake sale, build a lemonade stand... the possibilities are endless! Every little bit helps. Contact us with your ideas!